會員福利(南加州分會) | |
* 擴展與南加州華商婦女的交流。 * 利用遍佈在全球各分會的組織,建立商業路線。 * 參加本會所舉辦的有關商經、美容、健康養生、法律及人 際關係 … 等的各項講座。 * 參加各項旅行: 包括一年一度的郊外踏青(國內1~2天), 世界大會及各分會的拜會和觀光活動 (國內外每次4~7 天)。 * 經由會員之間和與其他社團之間的互動,拓廣個人的人際 關係及商業機緣。 * 參加與社區服務相關之活動。 |
Members’ Benefits (GFCBW-SCC ) | |
* Expand business circle with women representing different industries in Southern California. * Establish an international business network through affiliation with sister chapters worldwide. * Participate in various events and activities held in the topics of business, beauty, health, law and relationships…etc. * Participate in various travel plans either local short trips (1-2 days) or international/domestic trips (4 -7 days) to the annual world assembly, sister chapters and the sight-seeing tours around their cities. * Expand business and personal relations through interactions between members and other local affiliates. * Involve in community activities. |
會員申請 |
申請個人會員資格及程序如下: * 凡年滿25歲。 * 經常務理事會通過。 * 繳納會費 * 成為本會個人會員 |
下載「個人會員入會申請表」填寫後連同會費寄回。下載PDF入會申請表格 | |
下載2014年活動支出核銷單(Check Request)。下載PDF活動支出核銷單 | |
下載 GFCBWSCC Website Banner Order Form。下載PDF Website Banner Order Form | |
下載 GFCBWSCC 3/16/2014年會特刊贊助廣告單 下載PDF年刊贊助廣告 Order Form |