非常感謝姐妹們這一年來對世華南加州分會的支持和愛護。依照會章一年一度的理事會選舉將訂於9 月 18 日 (星期日) 舉行,理事會團隊是我們分會的骨幹,也是展現個人才華,貢獻能力的最佳空間,因此竭誠歡迎所有希望參加理事會工作,為世華南加州分會服務的姐妹積極參與。
此次理事會選舉將有10 席理事名額開放,兩年任期為 2023/01/01 ~ 2024/12/31。 選舉委員會將遵循會章選 舉的規則和模式。現將選舉工作細則公佈如下,以供競選人參考和廣大會員監督。
1. 理事候選人資格: 須入會年滿一年 (365 天) 以上之有效會員 (新會員以理事會通過入會申請日期 為會籍生效日。既有年度會員應依規定繳交完成當年會費為有效會員) 參考
英文版會章 5.2 -5.3.
2. 參選人了解世華文化並認同其宗旨: [心懷世界、掌握脈動、建立網絡、發展經貿 ]。
3. 參選人須擁有在美就業經商或社團組織工作經驗,對組織管理、活動規劃及實行或相
關之事有充分 的了解,以利未來二年的理事團隊工作能夠順利有效的開展。
4. 有關理事的義務與資格,請參考英文版會章 8.3
1. 有意參加競選 2023-2024 年度理事會的會員們請填妥制式申請表(如附件) 照片及簡歷 於
截止日前 發送電子郵件至 Election.gfcbwscc@gmail.com 報名申請限用電子郵件(Email)截 止日期 時間前送件,其他傳遞方式不予接受 。
2. 報名截止日期時間:2022 年 8 月 14 日 17 點 00 分(Pacific Standard Time)逾期視作無
3. 報名時間截止後,參選人名單將提交選舉委員會進行資格認定。通過審核 認定之參選
人將為此次 換屆選舉候選人。
4. 參選人資格確定後,候選人簡歷及選舉相關文件會以電郵方式於選舉日 14 天前
(9 月 2 日) 寄 給 2022 全體會員。
5. 投票日期及時間:2022 年 9 月 18 日 下午1-4 pm。
地點: 洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心 9443 Telstar Ave. El Monte, CA 91731
6. 新一屆世華南加州分會理事會團隊將於 2023 年 1 月 1 日正式履新上任。
在此竭誠歡迎並鼓勵各位具競選有效資格的會員姐妹們踴躍參加,把握機會,與世華南 加州分會共同成長茁 壯。
敬請大家保留日期,於9 月 18 日踴躍出席投票。
另外在此特別提醒大家,根據會章,有效投票會員必需於投票日至少 30 天前完成當年會費繳納程序。如果您 是年度會員,請大家在 8 月 19 日 17:00 之前確實繳交今年會費更新(Renewal)會藉,以符合投票資格。如在 2022 年 8 月 19 日 17:00 之後至投票當日收到會費,該會員將不具今年投票資格。另外針對新會員的部分,2022 年新會員申請入會並繳費但仍必需在8 月18 ?日 17:00 前之理事會 ( 8/18/2021 ) 通過申請入會者,方為有效 投票會員。
選舉委員會: 裴映棋、(冉瑞宜、 江瑞瀛、 陳玲華、 張綺芳、______ ) 敬上
* 如對參選報名資格有任何疑問,歡迎致電或 E-mail 選委會主席 裴映棋
Note: Bylaws 5.2, 5.3 and 8.3 is attached for reference as following.
Section 5.2 Eligibility.
Any woman, or woman representing an association, corporation, or partnership, having an interest in the objectives of this organization shall be eligible to apply for membership in GFCBW-SCC. The membership application should be approved by the Board of Directors with full membership fee due received according to fee schedule. All four 4) types of members have the right to participate in activities that GFCBW-SCC design for it’s members. The only member is (1) Regular/Annual member (2) Lifetime member or (3) Corporate member has the right to vote as paid membership for directors when their membership dues as set forth section 5.3 in good standing. Only (1) Regular/Annual Member and (2) Lifetime member can run as a candidate of the director.
Section 5.3 Membership Dues.
Membership dues shall be at such rate or rates to cover each calendar year as may be from time to time prescribed by the Board of Directors payable to GFCBW- SCC. January 31 of the renewal year is set to be the due date for membership dues for renewal members. Grace period of 90 days can be extended after the due date for renewal members; i.e. up to April 30. Renewal after April 30 of the year will make the member illegible to be nominated to run as candidate of director for that year. The membership dues shall not be refundable after being accepted by GFCBW-SCC.
All renewal Membership due paid 30days prior to annual election date will be valid for remaining days of current year and eligible to vote but not become candidate of director to be elected. Any membership due paid after the annual election will be valid for the remaining of current year and the coming calendar year.
Members fail to pay consecutive two years of renewal membership due will be auto removed with or without notice and can re-enroll as new member with new application with Board of Director approval with current fee schedule. ………………
Section 8.3 Obligations and Qualifications of Directors.
To qualify as a director, a nominee must be a member in good standing for not less than one (1) year.
If elected, the director shall:
(a) pay double the membership dues to GFCBW-SCC per year as an active director.
(b) not be absent for more than three (3) consecutive regular meetings of the Board of Directors without a reasonable cause;
(c) support and attend at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Board’s events and activities;
(d) support and attend the activities that are related to GFCBW-HQ and other sister branches/chapters, including the entertainment GFCBW- SCC will extend for their visits to its branch;
(e) recruit three (3) new annual members or one (1) lifetime member each calendar year during her term.