

5/7/2022 世華南加州分會: ⭐️南加州僑界聲援支持中華民國台灣🇹🇼進入世界衛生大會WHA🌈為了響應總會阡蕙總會長發起,由北美陳玲華副總會長協助,與大洛杉磯分會會長徐洸玲主辦,支持中華民國台灣加入WHA世界衛生大會活動,南加州分會姊妹們在母親節前夕5月7日,在核桃市Walnut City Hall 和大洛杉磯分會由核桃市會長接待,協辦舉辦了盛大的汽車遊行活動。❤️Congresswoman Judy Chu, 經文處黃敏境處長及夫人, 僑教中心主任陳敏永,大洛杉磯分會的姊妹之外,感謝近20位會姊妹以及榮譽顧問:監事長江瑞瀛僑務委員指導,怡薇和凱琪副會長捐贈,湯淑惠理事,冉淑綺監事,和執行委員們茂秀捐贈。莊凰,海丹,愷婷,榮譽理事金冠獎得主張淑卿也親自協助貼車牌。 毓英紀錄歷史性一刻和柯欣佑執委也代表旅館公會出席捐贈。榮譽顧問們徐菡美,陳英煌會計師僑務委員現場出席,也感謝于仁豪委員榮譽顧問相助整理文書。社區之友裡有中華會館主席鄺松齡,行政院政務顧問林榮松醫師,台灣會館董事長陳伯宇,旅館公會,亞美會計研發會李崇正,僑務職朋友們等。🙏感謝世華南加州姊妹們清早熱情參與,支持,和付出。義工中不忘兩會交流,當天除了match大洛杉磯分會捐贈金額之外,也不忘現場準備/善後之工作,姊妹們相互協助好溫馨!珍惜這兩年兩會合作機會難得,希望今年一次奪標,進入世界衛生大會!

Thanks everyone! 會長裴映棋 敬上

May be an image of 7 people and people standing
May be an image of 4 people, people standing and outdoors
May be an image of 9 people, people standing, outdoors and text that says 'TAIWAN AIW'
May be an image of 6 people, people standing and outdoors
May be an image of 6 people, people standing, outdoors and text that says 'BOSE'
May be an image of 6 people, people standing, car and road
May be an image of 7 people, people standing and outdoors
May be an image of 9 people, people standing and text that says 'Support Taiwan's Entry into WHO! 世界華人工商婦女企管協會 GFCBW @ wmen 마미 Federation Û of Chinese Business Southern California Chapter www.gfcbwscc.org'