世界華人工商婦女企管協會- 台灣總會 Global Federation of Chinese Business Women
1. 本會創立於西元1994年 6月19曰,本會創會理事長周文璣女士(前明星花露水董事長)於美國舊金山創立「世界中華工商婦女企管協會」,期盼結合全球工商婦女之智慧,強化國際資訊交流, 促商經濟發展,並協助政府推動國民外交.
2. 西元1997年11月19曰更名為「世界華人工商婦女企管協會」,向內政部申請報備登記通過,成為唯一由台灣發展至全球之國際工商婦女社團組織,並以「心懷世界、掌握脈動、建立網絡、發展經貿」為本會宗旨.
組織分佈於世界三大洋五大洲,會員皆為華人工商婦女菁英。成立迄今共有88 個分協會
世界華人工商婦女企管協會 全球分佈圖
Our History
The Global Federation of Chinese Business Women (GFCBW) is a non-profit organization founded in 1994 by a group of prominent Chinese businesses headquartered in Taiwan. Currently, there are 76 chapters worldwide to date.. This organization strives to unite Chinese business women around the world, to strengthen international exchange and diplomatic ties, and to foster a greater international status of this talented group.
關於世界華人工商婦女企管協會南加分會 (緣起起於世華)
Daisy Hsye
The Global Federation of Chinese Business Women is a non-profit organization founded in 1994- headquartered in Taiwan with 47 chapters worldwide to date. We strive to unite Chinese business/career women throughout the world, to strengthen their international business exchange, to share their experiences and resources, and to foster their friendship and personal growth.
* 以心懷世界、掌握脈動、 建立網絡、發展經貿之恢宏國際觀 為基點。
* 團結全球華商婦女經驗交流,資源共享。
* 不僅促進商機,同時並增進領導能力,友誼及個人成長。
* 提昇華商婦女在國際之地位。
* 宣揚中華文化藝術,推廣國民外交。
Our Missions
* With the global frame of mind, to embrace the trends, to build the networks and to develop the economic and trade relations.
* To unite Chinese-American business/career women through out the world and share their talents, expertise and resources.
* To build not only opportunities for networking but also the leadership, the friendship and personal growth.
* To enhance the international status of Chinese business/career women.
* To raise global awareness of Chinese cultures and arts and promote diplomatic relations.
* 擴展與南加州華商婦女的交流。
* 利用遍佈在全球各分會的組織,建立商業路線。
* 參加本會所舉辦的有關商經、美容、健康養生、法律及人 際關係 … 等的各項講座。
* 參加各項旅行: 包括一年一度的郊外踏青(國內1 ~ 2天), 世界大會及各分會的拜會和觀光活動
(國內外每次4 ~ 7 天)。
* 經由會員之間和與其他社團之間的互動,拓廣個人的人際 關係及商業機緣。
* 參加與社區服務相關之活動。
Members’ Benefits (GFCBW-SCC )
* Expand business circle with women representing different industries in Southern California.
* Establish an international business network through affiliation with sister chapters worldwide.
* Participate in various events and activities held in the topics of business, beauty, health, law and relationships…etc.
* Participate in various travel plans either local short trips (1-2 days) or international/domestic trips (4 -7days) to the annual world assembly, sister chapters and the sight-seeing tours around their cities.
* ‧ Expand business and personal relations through interactions between members and other local affiliates.
* ‧ Involve in community activities.